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IntensiveEnglish Summer Class Lesson Review: Nouns and Adjectives, Noun Phrases, Subject and Verb, Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases and Punctuation

by - 4:54 PM


Nouns - are people, places or things.
Adjectivess - Describes people, places, things.or state (ex. climate)

Examples of nouns and adjectives in simple simple sentences:

The  man  is  tall.   (man - noun)  (tall - adjective)
The room is cold. (room -noun) (cold-adjective)
The climate is good. (climate-noun) (good-adjective)

Noun phrases - type of noun that is an adjective + noun.

*adjective + noun = noun phrase

tall + man = tall man  
He is a tall man.

cold + room = cold room
This is a cold room.

good + weather = good weather
Spain has a good weather.


A sentence is about a subject.
A subject can b a pronoun, noun or a noun phrase.


Pronoun: I am from Beijing.
               She is a student.
               It is sunny.

Noun: My father is old.
           Yakutsk is in Russia.
           The weather is cold.

Noun Phrase: The average rainfall is 21 mm.
             Typical teenagers are students.

Note that the verb is after the subject in the sentence.


I am from Beijing.
My father is old.
Typical teenagers are students.

PREPOSITION (preposition of location)

- are used to explain where someone or something is.

Examples are:  at, in, from, and to

Example of preposition in the sentence:

Ulaanbaatar is in Mongolia.
Winters are cold in Ulaanbaatar.
It is rainy in summer.


- give information about 'where' and 'when'

preposition + noun = prepositional phrase
preposition + a noun for a season or a noun

Example of prepositional phrase which tells 'where'

in + Abu Dhabi = in Abu Dhabi
My brother lives in Abu Dhabi.

from + Angkara
I am from Angkara.

Example of prepositional phrase which tells 'when'

in + summer = in summer.
It is warm in summer.

in + January = in January.
It is cold in January.

*When the prepositional phrase is at the beginning of the sentence, it is followed by a comma.

Ex: In the dry season, the average temperature are between 22°C and     25°C.


Use capital letters for names of...

Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,            September, October, November, December

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Nationalities: British, Thai, Cambodian, American, Filipino

Names of People: Ahmad, Svetlana, Maria...

Places: Turkey, Angkara, Thailand, London

Student Activity:

At this time the students follow the activity guide provided by the textbook. It is very important that they fully understand the concept and the rules of writing specially sentence structure such as the order of words in the sentence. Also, they learn a wide scale of vocabulary by highlighting 'unidentified words', finding the meaning and adding it to their wordbook.

Sourced: Cambridge Unlock Reading and Writing 1

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